Source for latest released version
The source for the latest released version of Dual Monitor Tools can be downloaded from the SourceForge download page
Subversion access
Alternatively you can access the code directly using subversion.
If you have a subversion client installed, then you can check out the very latest code with:
svn co DualMonitorTools
To check out a particular version, say 2.0, then this can be checked out with:
svn co DualMonitorTools
The following tools have been used to build Dual Monitor Tools from version 1.9 onwards:
- Visual C# 2012 Express Edition
Prior to version 1.9, the following tools were used:
- Visual C# 2005 Express Edition
- Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition (needed for DisMon7 only)
The WIX Toolset v3.10 is used to build the installer.
Directory layout
The following sub-directories exist in the main project directory:
(Note: the directory Web is only available under svn)
- Contains the C# source for DMT.
- DmtWallpaper
- Contains the C# source for the DMT Wallpaper screen saver.
- DualWallpaper
- Contains the C# source for Dual Wallpaper.
- Installer
- Contains the installer.
- Web
- Contains this web site.
The following directories can also be found under svn for retired tools:
- SwapScreen
- Contains the C# source for Swap Screen.
- DualWallpaperChanger
- Contains the C# source forDual Wallpaper Changer.
- DisMon
- Contains the C# source for DisMon.
- DisMon7
- Contains the C++ source for DisMon7.
- DualSnap
- Contains the C# source for Dual Snap.
XML documentation
All significant public methods use XML documentation tags. You can use your favourite tool e.g. Doxygen to convert these to HTML viewable documentation.